Woman taking Style with Tracy J Color Analysis Style Quiz online

Are You Wearing the Right Clothing Colors? Take the Quiz!

When you put on a piece of clothing, ask yourself:

1.How does my skin look when I wear this color?

a) My skin tone looks even & fresh.
b) I look dull or washed out, with shadows or unevenness.

2. How does this color affect my eyes?

a) They look bright and stand out more.
b) They become less noticeable.

3. Does this color make me feel confident?

a) Yes, I feel more vibrant and self-assured.
b) No, I feel withdrawn or invisible.

4. How does this color affect the appearance of any lines, wrinkles, or imperfections?

a) My skin looks smoother & I see less imperfections.
b) My dark spots, lines, or wrinkles show up more.

5. When I wear this color, what comments do I get?

a) People tell me how great I look.
b) People compliment the color or piece, but not me.

6. Does this color flatter or clash with my hair color?

a) It complements my hair color and makes it look richer.
b)It makes my hair look dull or brassy.

7. How does my makeup look when I wear this color?

a) My makeup looks better & more natural, even when I wear less of it.
b) My makeup looks pale, dull, washed out or heavier than I like.

8. How do my lips, cheekbones & jawline appear when I wear this color?

a) Defined and sharp.
b) Faded, like I’ve lost some definition.


Mostly A’s: Congratulations! You’re wearing the best colors that are working for you, not against you. They compliment & enhance your natural beauty, making you look radiant and confident.

Mostly B’s: Hmmm. It doesn’t seem like you’re wearing shades that are the best choice for you. The wrong colors make your skin look dull and will emphasize any imperfections. They can make you look tired, washed out or older. It’s time for a color reset.

Discover your best colors—book a color draping session!

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